Chilon Anderson

I have been working with Jay for 3 years now and he has helped me increase my revenue over 3X. The first year it was by 67%; the second year an additional 72%; this past year, an additional 59%!

Jay has helped me get focused on what is important for Property Management and our specific concerns. Jay works within my ability to move forward on coaching directives and he helped me to determine what I want my goals to be. He has been able to talk me off the ledge (so to speak) on several occasions when I just couldn’t see past the forest for the trees. He teaches well, meets me on my level, and encourages me to stretch as I am able. He is firm yet yielding when he senses I am at “wit’s end” which in PM it seems that happens with weekly regularity.

He has encouraged me to keep my life in balance and not give my all to PM. As you can see, I have nothing but good things to say about Jay as a person and about his coaching. I strongly encourage you to jump into the water, Jay will be of great service to you, as he has for me.

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